Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Emergency Response Team

Dear A Little Blue;
Our guess is this is the "Romantic aid" you were referring to. For most children, honesty is the best policy. Ask them what they want to know. The chances are they have already heard something at school. (At least the 8 year old probably has heard something on the playground and it is sure to be wildly inaccurate!) You are always the best source of information and you are certainly the best judge of how much your kids NEED to know. At age 8, your kiddo will probably be beginning to ask those awkward questions anyway, so a little information on ED could be wrapped into a Q&A session. The 6 year old is probably still at the very basic info stage: too much information too soon, and your little one could be the source of mis-information on the playground. You need to be the good source of information for your children. There are some wonderful books for you on how to deal with these issues out there. Please make your home the safe place to ask questions.

With love,
The Divas.

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